Lord Wei speaks at LSE China Development Forum
On January 26th 2013, Lord Wei was one of the keynote speakers at the fourth annual LSE China Development Forum. The all-day forum, centred around a theme of “China in Transition,” was organised by student members of the LSE China Development Society. Sessions covered economic issues (including innovation and sustainable growth), relations with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region and with the West, the rising youth movement, soft power, and legal reform. In the last decade China has experienced the fastest growth in GDP per capita of any major economy in human history, with an annual average growth rate of 9.9 percent. This is nearly five times that of the United States, the longtime global superpower. Nonetheless , China experts question the sustainability of Chinese economic growth. The 2012 LSE China Development Forum: ‘ China’s Reform Phase II ’ , considered the multi-faceted nature of China’s ongoing reform amidst domestic tensions and international economic turmoil. In 2013 they focused on China’s development in the context of important changes in the Chinese political landscape. ]]>