Lord Wei speaks at forum in Hong Kong on social innovation
Lord Wei spoke at a conference on social innovation in Hong Kong on April 6th, attended by government officials, business people, NGO leaders and social entrepreneurs.
From Bernard Chan, South China Morning Post:
“It was a pity that a recent forum in Hong Kong on social reform went largely unreported. The “star” of the show was Lord Wei, the youngest, and only British-born Chinese, member of Britain’s House of Lords. He advised Prime Minister David Cameron on his “Big Society” project to tackle social problems, and attracted controversy when he accused some charities of competing too much with each other and being out of touch with the public and donors.
“His presentation described how inequality, pollution and other problems led to the rise of civil society in Britain during Victorian times, and to today’s system of addressing social problems.
“Most of us accept nowadays that social reform requires the state, companies, voluntary organisations and citizens all to play a part. However, Lord Wei went further and argued very persuasively that there needs to be far more integration. Society cannot tackle problems arising from youth unemployment, poor housing or immigration without input and action from groups and individuals genuinely acting together.”
Read more on South China Morning Post website]]>